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1 Timothy 3:5; Ephesians 6:1-4; Ephesians 5:21-25; Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18,26; Proverbs 20:7

We believe that family is very important to God. If the devil can brake the divine order in the home, then it an impact everything connected. This is the strength that God has established in a family unit. 

Two essential elements of family — marriage and parenthood — reveal God's character like nothing else in Creation. The love between a husband and wife provides a glimpse of Christ's passionate devotion to us as His bride. In the same way, the ups and downs of parenthood offer a compelling picture of God's tenderness and patience toward us as His children.
And family does more than reflect God's character. It provides a safe place where children can experience God's love (through their parents) and learn how to love other people.


God uses the family as a platform to expand His holy and good purposes. It was through one of these good families that God brought Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, into the world. This righteous couple lived and taught God's Word to Jesus. Later Jesus would mightily use what He had learned early on as a child. God made a new family called the church. God the Father sacrificed His own Son so that others like us could be adopted into God's family as God's children.
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name," John 1:12


God has clearly instructed both the church and the family how to succeed in life. Without strong families, the church and society will be weak.

When the families are strong, then Christ can develop His wonderful plan for the church. God has given us His Holy Spirit and Word by which we can have godly families and churches. With God's Word in our hands, we can no longer say that God did not tell us how to produce godly families.



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