Romans 10:9-10
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
We believe that salvation is in the person of Jesus Christ. By trusting in and clinging to his finish work at calvary with your whole heart, mind, body, and soul. you receive remission(the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty) of sin by his blood. YOU ARE SAVED!
Join the Family
It is God’s desire that you connect with the local church and fellowship with other believers in-person and/or virtually. We welcome you with open arms to join with us by becoming a Destiny Vision Christian Center Church member! Online church is designed for the following:
Unable to physically attend our services.
Those who do not live in the local area.
Current DVCC Nation (members) who may have relocated and have not found a new church home.
Those that work during our worship services.
Anyone who does not have a church home and desires spiritual covering under Pastor Richard Nichols & Lady Ozera Nichols.
Regular Updates on what is happening here at DVCC.
Connect with other church members.
Biblical Instruction and inspiration through our weekly worship services and bible study.
Spiritual covering under Pastor Richard Nichols & Lady Ozera Nichols.
and more....